Monday, July 19, 2010

Thinning Hair In Your 40′s And 50′s

Suffering from thinning hair in your 40′s and 50′s well we might have a simple answer for you that might come as a pleasant surprise. There has been many occasions when some of our valued customers come into the salon concerned they are losing their hair. I have often noted that these clients are in their forties and fifties.
Their hair does not look much thinner, but they are distressed and this is quite understandable.
They are finding that when brushing or combing their hair that clumps of hair strands are left on their brush, comb and in some cases their hands after washing.
There are often several factors to consider here before we provide any advice because such advice must be based on a few facts because the concern suffered by our clients cannot be taken lightly, especially when it comes to thinning hair in our 40′s and 50′s.
 thinning hair in your 40's and 50's
The first factor to take into consideration is whether their mother suffered from thinning hair as such a tendency often runs in families on the mother’s side. This is natural hair thinning and nothing can be done to reverse it.
In such cases we always recommend talking with their medical practitioner about their hair loss as there might be underlying medical factors.
The second factor to take into account is that hair goes through a variety of phases with the major phase being the growing of your hair. This phase can last anywhere from two to six years on average.
The other phase is known as the resting phase or telogen. This phase often lasts for about three to four months when the hair follicle is resting. When the hair follicle starts producing new hair, the natural affect is the old hair strand will fall out.

Thinning Hair After Washing

It is often during this phase where many women will find large clumps of hair after washing and brushing.
There is nothing to worry about as this is a sign that you have many healthy strands of hair on the way that are glossy and full of vitality.
new hairstyles for women in their forties
The quality of your hair is similar to your skin, in so far that over time it will change where hair becomes dry to the touch and finer in the hair strand. This is a sign as we age that our hair will need extra care.
By providing the correct nourishing products and treatments, our hair will always look shiny vibrant and healthy.
So if you are finding larger then normal clumps of hair in your brush or hands after washing, first rule out any underlying medical condition. Secondly, look to see if there have been any major changes in your life that might be proving more stressful leading to cause thinning hair.
When you have identified the underlying cause of your thinning hair in your 40′s and 50′s, then treatment will soon have your hair back to its normal healthy self.
If there are no underlying causes for thinning hair in your 40′s and 50′s, then rest assured that your hair follicles have rested and are pushing out old hair strands to make way for new glossy hair.